We are 100% dependent on donations to keep our program running. Please consider a one time donation or a recurring horse sponsorship
Your donations provide the horses:
- Feed
- Hay
- Supplements/vitamins
- Veterinary/Dental Care
- Farrier
- Shavings
- Tack
- and the feeling of being loved
In return, you will get:
- The satisfaction of helping support a vital, caring program with >40 years of serving Pinellas County.
- Tax Deduction
- Recognition of your love
- If you Sponsor a Horse, you will get your name engraved on a stall plate for the horse(s) you are sponsoring.
We also need Volunteers
How can you help?
Get your Bright Futures and school volunteer hours by helping at our program
(Note: due to COVID restrictions we are still not back at 100% volunteering, so please call ahead to find out where you can help)